
Newswise free trial subscription

With a trial subscription you will have a free two month access to the Newswise website, without any obligations. A subscription is restricted to your school location.

Click on the orange button Free trial for a free trial subscription.

Newswise paid subscription

Do you wish to convert to a regular subscription after the trial period? Please send an email to We will then activate a paid subscription for your school location.
Your Newswise subscription is valid for a period of one year. The price of your subscription is determined by the total number of pupils at your location. You have defined this number when registering for a trial subscription.

Prices per 1st of august 2022:

Newswise prijzen licenties 1-8-2022

Prices include 9% VAT.

Any questions? Please get in touch with us.

By applying for a (trial) subscription you agree to the general terms and conditions.

Administrator manual

The new website has a different way of administrating user accounts. Teachers are invited to the Newswise website by the administrator. Download the administrator manual.